Web sites of Project Affiliations and Friends

Vision Excelerator - The Vision Excelerator aims to fill a gap in existing business incubation and development and entrepreneurial training by supporting business creation and growing businesses and organizations, assisting them to be more successful and profitable.

Global Breath Consciousness Institute - The GBCI presents the transformational work of Desmond D. Green and "The Practice" - a "daily template for successful living". The GBCI is conjoined with the Reverence for Life University and Fellowship.

Experience Co-Evolution Group - Community and Tourism Consultants / Our Expertise in sustainable community and tourism development has been developed from decades of work and searching for the best models across the globe. Our philosophy is "why re-invent the wheel" when innumerable success strategies can be found to adapt to your region or community.

Global Innovative Solutions - is bringing sensible solutions to you. Beginning in the areas of road and transportation, construction, money services and energy, we intend to save you a lot of money with providing quality, sustainable, innovative and effective fulfillment of your needs. Typically most money is spent on buildings, maintenance, infrastructure and energy in communities and countries all across the world. We are here to change that. We believe an equal amount of energies (and money) should be dedicated to people and the natural environment. Our selection of quality, affordable products will help you realize your dreams.

Experiential University - Andrew Skadberg´s site to present various materials on tourism and rural economic development.

13LightMessages -  is the online portal for Andrew Skadberg´s blog, poetry, creative writing.

IMark Global - We are a India based business growth consulting firm with a passion for building superior brands. We collaborate with our clients to devise strategies and ideas that create positive impact for their businesses.

Context Magazine -  is a lifestyle and business magazine where luxury embraces responsibility. You will be informed about sustainable luxury destinations, ethical fashions, art and culture, philanthropic legacy and estate planning, and more!

The Moods Channel - What you've always wanted, feelings of belonging and affirmation, starts with us. The Moods Channel is a mood improvement service based in Hartford, Connecticut. Our goal is to teach you how to manage your energy and help you become part of the world.  

Jamaica Connections

Bay View Eco Resort and Spa

Institute of Jamaica

Other Links of Interest

Free Energy Devices - A comprehensive resource about alternative energy, includes plans and diagrams for various technologies.

Marketplace for Kids - a practical educational resource to teach youth and young adults about entrepreneurship and small business creation.

Mother Earth News - A great resource for alternative "everything" gardening, home and garden, natural products, how-to-information.

Albert Schweitzer - likely the greatest humanitarian of modern times. His dedicated work to his hospital, but more likely his written works and to solve the problem to identify our need for Reverence for Life.

Norman Borlaug - one of our inspirations for what can be accomplished when one person sets their mind to helping people.

North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association - supporting innovations in agriculture, farmer´s markets, and good food.

One Breath Village - a friend of ours working on creativity using the idea of effortless effort.

Plant a Tree Today Foundation - works to take action against deforestation and climate change through native forest restoration.

SPREAD - Rwanda - an example of what can be accomplished through collaboration in developing places.

The Moods-Channel - Our founder, Desmond Green´s Website to help you balance yourself to enjoy life more fully.

Utility Research Gardens, URG - an organic food farmer, growing bamboo and creating a little paradise on earth - in Texas.

Whole Earth Catalog - one of the creative inspirations for our concepts for "alternative education" focusing on practical information for changing times.

WWOOF - Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF-USA) is part of a world-wide effort to link volunteers with organic farmers, promote an educational exchange, and build a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.

Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives - (ZERI) is a global network of creative minds seeking solutions to world challenges.

Zoom Information Systems - supporting community development, tourism through mobile technologies.

Native American Prophecies - What we all need to know for Survival


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