Below are some links to a some publications that provide some innovative ideas for agriculture. Look for additional links, and "case-studies" in the near future as more and more success stories are showing up, almost daily. We will provide, as quickly as possible, links to these examples that can provide a model that your community or project may use - instead of "re-inventing the wheel". More to come very soon . . .
Agriculture, Value-added, Community Supported Agriculture and more
Defining Community Supported AgricultureAn EXCERPT from Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide.
2.0 Small Farm Business Planning - This unit provides practical advice on
how to approach business planning in the start-up phase of a small farm.
4.0 Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - This unit on direct marketing through Community Supported Agriculture introduces students to multiple aspects of the CSA model. Each unit contains appendices that include student exercises and/or information that the instructor can use as visual examples and student handouts.
Bringing Home the Harvest is a quarterly publication of the Inland Northwest Community Food Systems (INW CFS) Task Force. Bringing Home the Harvest shares the knowledge and experience of people working in community food systems and the opportunities and challenges facing small acreage farmers and market gardeners in the Inland Northwest. BHHSP98
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Building Community Among Farmers and Non-Farmers. Abstract: Conflict at the rural-urban interface may often be due to a lack of social connections or communication between farmers and non-farmers. Extension educators may be at a loss
as to how to bring these two groups together. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), or a variation of CSA, may be one avenue for developing connections. Findings from a qualitative study of a Midwestern CSA reveal a number of ways CSA met the goals of participants while also building community among farmers and non-farmers. Extension personnel might promote CSA at the rural-urban interface to build community and support for local agriculture.
Community Supported Agriculture
Creating A Market - from Mother Earth News. Get started in community supported agriculture.
Creating A MarketCSAMotherEarth
This publication reports on the history of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in the U.S. and discusses the various models that have emerged. Recent trends in the CSA movement are presented and demographic information provided about the distribution of CSA farms in the U.S. Several CSA cases are profiled and a survey of recent research is presented. References and resources follow the narrative.
University of Kentucky - Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a term that has come to describe a variety of direct farm marketing practices with certain common characteristics, including:
• Emphasis on community and/or local produce
• Shares/subscriptions that are sold prior to the season’s beginning
• Weekly deliveries to members/subscribers
Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture
The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center AFSIC focuses on alternative farming systems that strive to maintain agricultural productivity and profitability, while protecting natural resources. Such systems include sustainable, low-input, regenerative, biodynamic, and organic farming and gardening.
Eight Tips from the Experts to Make Your Community Shared Agriculture Project a Success
Direct Marketing Options: Farmers Markets, Restaurants, Community Supported Agriculture and the Organic Alternative
UofNebraska - Community Supported Agriculture
Research Paper - Urban organic farming in Austria with the concept of Selbsternte (`self-harvest'): An agronomic and socio-economic analysis