Here I will post sections of the book "Vision
– We Are Re-Creating the World: A Resource Manual “tool-box” for
Revitalization and Empowerment through Grass-roots Strategies and
Environmental Awareness".
I am breaking the book down into sections because this book is 460 pages
in length, and as an electronic book is about 16 mb. I can send a free
copy to people if they are interested. You probably need to have an
email that will handle large files, like Gmail. It is self-published. I
have a second volume that is currently in the works.
These are the compilations of my life´s work - ideas for solutions to
the world´s challenges. I have posted some chapters in another blog post
(hybrid cooperative, and hyperspectral-environmental strategies).
strategies described in various sections can be implemented as
individual components, comprising a very good regional, or project
strategy - standing alone. But the entire book is a whole vision, for
developing new models for civilization, built upon solid theories, but
also the Universal Philosophy as espoused by Albert Schweitzer - that
being "Reverence for Life" (also the Golden Law, as taught by Jesus).
I will be adding sections of the book here as Pdf files as I am able.
first sections describe the motivations for me writing this book, and
establish the various philosophical and theoretical foundations.
Second section goes into practical examples based on already
established projects and/or case-studies of successful projects.
01VisionSECTION I-Preface.pdf
02VisionSECTION I-PreparationRecreation.pdf
03VisionSECTION I-Introduction.pdf
04VisionSECTION I-ExperiencesObservations.pdf
05VisionSECTION II-TheoreticalFoundations.pdf
06aVisionSECTION III-SolomonSourceToolbox.pdf
06bVisionSECTION III-SolomonSourceToolbox.pdf
07VisionSECTION IV-Education&JLRU.pdf
08VisionSECTION IV-Chap8Hyperspectral.pdf
09VisionSECTION IV-Chap8TourismCaseStudy.pdf
10VisionSECTION IV-Chap10RegionalHCDC.pdf
11VisionSECTION IV-Chap11CollaborativeNetwork.pdf